PAD nursing homework help

PAD nursing homework help

When seeking an improved understanding of PAD disease, seek PAD nursing homework help. It is an effortless way of enjoying an exciting learning experience with professional support when completing all the involved homework questions. PAD is the short form of peripheral arterial disease. The disease develops when fat deposits accumulate, especially in the arteries within the legs. That means that the developed fatty deposits impair the proper flow of blood within the blood vessels. When the affected person engages in physical exercise, the condition reduces blood supply to the leg, resulting in pain and overall discomfort. The main relief a person can receive is by resting.

Important details about PAD

PAD develops mainly from the accumulation of solid deposits such as cholesterol or fats on the arterial walls—the increased accumulation of the deposits results in plaque formation. Once the plaque develops on the artery’s lining, blood will no longer flow effectively but meet resistance. Unhealthy diets characterized by unhealthy fat consumption with no or less physical activity are the main causes of high blood cholesterol levels, some of which build up along the arteries. However, other rare cases of PAD are exposure to radiation, injury to the legs or arms, or inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels.

Risk factors of PAD

Do you know that anybody can develop PAD? However, some people are at greater risk than others and, hence, likely to develop health complications. Such risk factors include older age, whereby most risky people are those above 60 years, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, the present smoking habit or a history of smoking and also having atherosclerosis. Racial or ethnic identity also determines one’s risk of the disease. For instance, African Americans are at higher risk of getting PAD, unlike non-Hispanic and white Americans.

Despite taking necessary health precautions and healthy behaviours, age advancement and uncontrolled diabetes can still predispose an individual to the risk of PAD.

Signs and symptoms of PAD disease

Since PAD develops from blockage of the blood vessels carrying blood from the heart to the legs, the legs are the most commonly affected body part once a person develops the condition. The disease’s most common symptom is experiencing leg pains while engaging in physical activity such as running or walking. The pain can also be left in the thigh, hip, or buttock. Additional signs and symptoms of PAD are decreased or fewer pulses in the feet, shiny and smooth skin, hair loss, muscle weakness, numb or cold toes, and persistent leg ulcers.

The advanced state of PAD presents different symptoms, which include numbness, cold extremities, cyanosis, poor healing of wounds, gangrene and paralysis.

Assume you get such a case study;

In the past three months, Olive has complained of painful muscle cramping, especially while walking or climbing the stairs. The pain is felt in the thighs and hips. Minutes after the physical exercise, the pain subsides. She has been thinking she has arthritis, but she has noticed additional symptoms which are not evident for arthritis patients. She reports to the nursing practitioner that the temperature in the feet is reduced, and the feet get unusually cold. She also has two wounds which have never healed for the past 4weeks despite using some medication. What could be the possible disease that Olive is suffering from?

If you analyze the symptoms, there is a high chance that Olive is suffering from PAD. However, performing a diagnostic test is important to determine the exact condition.

How can you diagnose PAD?

Imagine getting a patient complaining of inability to exercise effectively due to resulting pain during the process, which subsides when at rest. You may think of various possible health complications, including PAD. A confirmatory test for PAD may include angiography, an ankle-brachial index, a blood test, or an ultrasound of the feet or legs.

If you want to use angiography, the test will involve using contrast dye and X-rays to trace any blocked arteries responsible for supplying blood to various body parts such as the hands, arms, feet and legs. The healthcare provider decides the intervention for treating the condition based on the procedure’s outcomes. If an identified blocked artery is identified, a surgical procedure can be used to unblock the blood vessels. A patient should be prepared for the test in various ways and understand some of the risks associated with the procedure. While receiving an angiography, it is possible to experience allergic reactions, blood clots, arterial damage during the test, bleeding or tenderness of the surgical procedure area.

For a detailed explanation of the various diagnosis tests for PAD, get our PAD nursing homework help notes in PDF.

Treatment of PAD

Advancement of PAD blocks the arteries, posing greater danger to the affected person, such as limited ability to engage actively in physical activity. Therefore, treatment becomes important to ensure proper management of the symptoms, especially the increasing leg pain and discomfort while walking or exercising. The treatment can also support good arterial health by reducing the amount of fatty deposits accumulating along the peripheral arteries. The main treatments effective for PAD include getting surgical procedures, use of medication, and also having lifestyle changes. When we talk about lifestyle changes, we have to identify the risk causes of the condition, such as poor diets, physical inactivity and also tobacco smoking habits. Therefore, embracing a healthy diet, regular exercising and quitting smoking habits helps to lower the risk of developing PAD.

Imagine getting a case study question on PAD treatment whereby the patient has tried lifestyle changes but still suffers the same symptoms. What can you recommend? Possibly, you will recommend the use of medications. However, the choice of medications will depend on the main cause of the condition and the symptoms experienced. Examples of medications that work best for PAD patients include diabetes, blood pressure, and medicines that prevent blood clots.

Is it important to seek PAD treatment?

Yes. Untreated cases of PAD can result in the development of other complications from the developed atherosclerosis. Increased narrowing or blockage of the arteries can increase the risk of developing heart attack and stroke. This is common when there is an increased accumulation of plaque in the arteries, affecting proper functioning. Besides, worsened PAD also triggers the development of critical limb ischemia characterized by the death of body tissues. In this case, PAD patient tends to notice the development of open sores in the limbs, which never heal and may require amputation.

Is PAD preventable?

Yes. If you analyze the risk factors of the disease, you will notice that PAD is mainly triggered by lifestyle factors such as smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and poor healthy behaviours. Hence, an individual can lower their risk of developing PAD by ceasing tobacco smoking, having a physically active life and also having the ability to monitor and regulate their blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Best sleeping condition for PAD

Once a person has PAD, they should be keen on their posture because it determines the effectiveness of the circulatory system. A posture which can improve blood flow to the limbs is most preferred. Generally, PAD patients have reduced blood flow to the feet or legs, resulting in discomfort or pain in the organs. Though you can manage the condition through lifestyle modifications, medications, and surgical treatment, good sleep will contribute to the effective management of the disease’s symptoms. Get a supportive cushion and mattress because they support improved body weight distribution, hence reducing the effect of pressure points.

Completing a PAD nursing homework essay

One of the most reliable ways of completing your PAD nursing homework essay is through getting professional guidance. Essays are unique nursing homework that requires students to understand the demands of the question and structure the answers to the question in three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. In each section, you should understand what details should be present. If you are still confused about the format of different nursing homework, get our PAD nursing homework samples and answers for clarification.

Most students prefer expert assistance because of the reduced time to get standard outcomes.

Why choose us

When handling patients alleged to be having PAD, you should understand how to perform nursing diagnosis for the disease and develop care plans, assessments and also interventions. In nursing assessment, you must review the patient’s health history, conduct a physical assessment and diagnostic procedures. There is much you should understand that you can learn by getting our PAD nursing homework help.

Don’t struggle with tough PAD nursing homework questions, robbing you of significant time only to ensure you beat the tight deadlines.

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