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Post-operative nursing homework help
As a nursing student, undertaking post-operative nursing is now enjoyable once you partner with Nursing Homework tutors for premium quality post-operative nursing homework help. Post-operative care refers to the wide range of medical services a patient receives after a surgical procedure. However, the nature of post-operative care differs depending on the type of surgical procedure received. Once a patient undergoes a procedure, they should immediately receive post-operative care to ensure faster recovery and lower the potential risk of developing complications. The care extends also after being discharged from the hospital. That means that post-operative care is hospital-based and also home-based. When administering post-operative care, as a nurse, it is important to ensure frequent medical and nursing observations, check for any complications, assess the status of the operative site or the wound, and also inspect for any need to make treatment changes based on the patient’s response to the administered treatment. You should no longer struggle to handle any post-operative nursing homework questions when you are a button click away from reliable solutions.
Wound dressing procedure after surgery
After surgery, there is expected to be a wound that develops and later changes into a scar. A fresh wound requires hygienic handling to prevent infections on the site, which may affect the healing or recovery process. Therefore, the most important practice a patient should ensure after surgery is keeping the wound dry and clean. A wound should not be open to lower the contamination risk. Therefore, wound dressing is the option that ensures the wound is covered and protected from potential infection. Removal of wound dressing should be followed by using adhesive bandages, which is most recommended two days after the surgery. Maintaining dryness of the wound area for 48 hours after the surgery supports faster wound healing. During wound dressing, an important practice that should be performed is icing. The recovering patient should apply ice on the operative site during the first week after the surgery. Icing also helps numb the area and minimize the potential post-operative pain that might develop.
Post-operative pain relief
When thinking about post-operative pain relief, which category of people are you targeting? Adults or children?
Pain management is very important for individuals who have undergone surgical procedures. During the operation, using anesthetics helps in suppressing pain. However, an individual starts experiencing pain later after completion of the surgical procedure until the wound starts healing. Therefore, pain relief becomes important for managing the pain that develops because of the performed operation. Pain management applies before, during, and after the surgical operation. That means it is used in the emergency ward, operating room, and when the patient is moved to the ward. In most cases, ibuprofen and diclofenac are the most preferred and used pain relievers. However, the health practitioner can also prescribe the patient paracetamol or any other painkiller.
The choice of pain relief depends on the type and size of the surgery, the part affected, and the amount of pain associated with the operation.
Depending on their underlying health condition, children can also undergo surgery as a form of treatment. During surgical procedures, some of the pain-killing approaches used on children include ketamine, ibuprofen, paracetamol, local anesthetics, and oral paracetamol.
Home-based post-operative care
Once a patient undergoes surgery and the health team recommends being discharged, the caregivers should ensure the patient receives the required care even while at home. An important best practice for patients in post-operative home-based care is strict adherence to the provided medications. Despite being discharged from the hospital, it is a time that requires close collaboration between the patient and health practitioners. The patient should report their progress and communicate in case of increasing pain or witnessed complications. That is why follow-up appointments are very important in home post-operative care. While at home, despite regaining strength, one should not immediately resume their daily chores. However, they should have responsible adults who should take care of them, monitor their progress, and help them complete their daily chores such as food preparation, shopping, and general and personal cleanliness. Enough rest is necessary for an improved healing process. However, engaging in slight exercises also helps the body to adjust.
Anytime you get a research project or nursing dissertation on post-operative nursing and require expert intervention, we have you covered. Trust our tutors for top-notch post-operative nursing homework help and receive outstanding services.
Types of health conditions that may require surgical procedures
When seeking our post-operative nursing homework help, you will discover that not all health conditions that may fail to respond to medications require surgical procedures. Surgery applies for certain health conditions, mostly the last option when all other treatments fail. Besides, if it is used and can guarantee improved health outcomes, why should a patient need other ineffective interventions?
Therefore, some of the health conditions that need surgery include ;
Gallstones and inflammation of the gallbladder
Are you aware of cholecystitis and how it affects the digestive system and processes? It causes inflammation and blockage of the gall bladder, hindering the flow of the bile juice. An untreated case of cholecystitis increases one’s risk of gall bladder inflammation. The main triggers of the condition are tumors, injuries, infections, and polyps. A surgical procedure is the main remedy that supports effective treatment of the condition. With improved healthcare technology, it is currently possible for patients with cholecystitis to undergo noninvasive surgical procedures, which are effective due to less pain, faster healing, reduced infection risk, and more effectiveness. An example of the procedure is the percutaneous cholecystostomy. Irrespective of whether it is a noninvasive or invasive surgery, the patient should take necessary precautions such as using painkillers for pain management, covering the operative site, disinfecting the area and keeping it dry, and regularly changing the dressing.
Cancer is one of the chronic diseases that are a serious health concern based on the number of people affected, its health outcomes, and also the healthcare costs involved in treating the condition. Surgery for cancer patients depends on the organ affected and also its severity. Take an example of breast cancer. Many women have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Some died while on treatment due to late diagnosis, while others survived while on medication and also after surgery that resulted in the removal of the affected organ. Surgical procedures on cancer patients are important for removing the developed cancerous cells and also for removing the affected organ to prevent further spread of the cancer cells to other organs.
Once cancer patients are on the surgery and also after the surgery, they need holistic care to support their physical, mental, and psychological wellness.
Recurring stomach pain
If you have a patient who constantly reports experiencing stomach, is it the best option to recommend a surgical procedure? At times, people experience stomach pain associated with eating contaminated food, causing sharp pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Such a condition should not be managed through performing a surgical procedure. Rather, a healthcare giver must determine the nature of the stomach pain, its causes, its frequency and severity, and assess the patient’s health and medical history. Short-term stomachache may require only medications aligned with the cause of the problem. If caused by inflammatory conditions or associated with having challenges in reproductive organs, the development of tumors or blockages and other treatment interventions fail in the management of the condition. A surgical procedure can be used to treat the cause of the pain.
Varicose vein
You might have bumped into individuals with varicose veins. Varicose veins develop when certain venous valves are damaged or weakened. Therefore, as blood flows through the veins, they collect on the vein surface, making them easily visible. People who develop varicose veins experience sores, swelling, and leg pain and are very susceptible to blood clotting. If the condition worsens and causes increased discomfort, a health expert can recommend a surgical procedure to treat the condition. The surgery may include the removal of the destroyed or weakened blood vessels.
Many people diagnosed with hernia have survived after a surgical procedure. Hernia patients suffer from the protrusion of internal tissues and organs, especially because of the weakening of muscles. When stomach muscles weaken, one becomes at high risk of hernia. The condition worsens when an individual engages in strenuous activities and also lifts heavy weights. Surgery is the best remedy for individuals diagnosed with hernia.
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Nursing Homework comprises an extensive team of professional tutors who will guide you step by step anytime you need post-operative nursing homework help. Over the years, we have partnered with students, become a close listening partner, and responded to all their academic-related demands. One of the challenges we offer students solutions to is handling the post-operative nursing homework questions from scratch. With our profound knowledge and experience completing dissertations, nursing projects, annotated bibliographies, discussions, and PowerPoint presentations, among other forms of assignment, expect nothing but quality content professionally completed.
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